The relationship between fibrinogen levels, inflammatory biomarkers and peripheral arterial disease risk factors in patients with metabolic syndrome from Northwestern Algeria

  • Imane Bouragba Department of Biology, Laboratoire de MicrobiologieMoléculaire, Protéomics et Santé, Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences, Djillali LIABES University, Sidi-Bel-Abbes, Algeria
  • Mustapha Diaf Department of Biology, Laboratoire de Nutrition, Pathologie, Agrobiotechnologie et Santé, Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences, Djillali LIABES University, Sidi-Bel-Abbes, Algeria
Keywords: peripheral arterial diseases, metabolic syndrome, inflammation, fibrinogen


Risk factors for peripheral arterial diseases (PAD) are smoking, diabetes, hypertension and dyslipidemia, which are components of metabolic syndrome (MetS). Our objective was to investigate the role of inflammatory biomarkers and plasma fibrinogen levels in the association of PAD with MetS. A cross-sectional comparative study including patients with and without PAD was conducted for five months. The diagnosis of PAD was made by an ankle-brachial index (ABI) <0.9 and confirmed by angiography. MetS was defined according to NCEP ATPIII criteria and raised fibrinogen levels were defined as plasma fibrinogen ≥4 mg/l. Of a total of 518 patients, 15.6% had PAD. In PAD patients, waist circumference, systolic and diastolic pressure, lipid profile and fibrinogen levels were significantly higher (p<0.05). Binary logistic regression revealed that the male gender was more at risk of PAD, and tobacco is a powerful predictor of PAD (OR=3.04). Cardiovascular disease and PAD each highlighted significant contributions to fibrinogen control (p<0.001); diabetics and smokers were, respectively, 2.03[1.15–3.47] and 1.58[0.78–3.19] times more at risk of poor fibrinogen control. 14.1% with MetS developed PAD versus 1.5% without MetS (p<0.001). In conclusion, high fibrinogen levels in Mets increase the risk of PAD. Peripheral arterial disease prevention may be involved in correcting MetS components and controlling fibrinogen levels.

How to Cite
Bouragba, Imane, and Mustapha Diaf. 2023. “The Relationship Between Fibrinogen Levels, Inflammatory Biomarkers and Peripheral Arterial Disease Risk Factors in Patients With Metabolic Syndrome from Northwestern Algeria”. Romanian Journal of Diabetes Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases 30 (4), 380-89.