Correlation between urinary microalbumin and glycated hemoglobin in type 2 diabetes

  • Jaya Janani Murugesa Pandian Department of Biochemistry, Chettinad Hospital, and Research Institute, Chettinad Academy of Research & Education, Kelambakkam, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Anuradha Ganesan Department of Biochemistry, Chettinad Hospital, and Research Institute, Chettinad Academy of Research & Education, Kelambakkam, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: diabetes mellitus, nephropathy, metabolic disorder


The chronic metabolic disorder diabetes mellitus is a fast-growing global problem with huge social, health, and economic consequences. Nephropathy is one of the tricky situations of type 2 diabetes mellitus that may well lead to end-stage renal disease. Persistent microalbuminuria is the best predictor of a high risk of developing diabetic nephropathy. This study was done on fifty type 2 diabetes patients attending Chettinad Hospital and Research Institute, Kodambakkam: age and sex-matched cross-sectional study. A number of 50 type 2 DM with the age groups 40–70 years without complications were taken as cases, and 50 healthy subjects of comparable age were taken as controls in the study. The study was conducted among 100 study subjects who were type 2 diabetes individuals. The scatter plot shows the correlation between all study subjects’ urinary microalbumin and glycated hemoglobin values. The correlation between urinary microalbumin and glycated hemoglobin is strongly correlated. The association between urinary microalbumin and glycated hemoglobin in type 2 DM is strongly correlated. Urinary microalbumin levels are much higher in people who have (Poor Glycemic Control).

How to Cite
Pandian, Jaya, and Anuradha Ganesan. 2024. “Correlation Between Urinary Microalbumin and Glycated Hemoglobin in Type 2 Diabetes”. Romanian Journal of Diabetes Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases 31 (1), 52-56.