Antidiabetic effect of a GABA-supporting mixture in a streptozotocin-induced diabetes model in rats

Keywords: diabetes mellitus, glucose level, glutaminase, glutamate decarboxylase


Gamma-aminobutyric acid, GABA, can stimulate the growth and viability of pancreatic β-cells, normalizing blood glucose levels. Our study aimed to investigate the antidiabetic effects of a GABA-supporting mixture (GSM) containing asparagine, glutamine, β-alanine, and ethanolamine-O-sulfate in a streptozotocin-induced diabetes model in rats. The animals with diabetes were injected with GSM daily for 5 days, followed by controlling glycemic status and measuring the activity of enzymes involved in the synthesis of GABA, glutaminase (GLS), and glutamate decarboxylase (GAD). Glucose levels in healthy (Control), diabetes (STZ), and GSM treated (STZ-GSM) animals were 4.48±0.3, 23.09±2.3, and 12.94±2.03 mM/L, respectively. The GAD activity in the same three groups was in homogenates of: brain 783±23, 1022±34, 829±33 IU/mg; pancreas 793±34, 1079±55, 857±58 IU/mg; liver 643±33, 804±15, 690±35 IU/mg, respectively. The GLS activity in these groups was: in the blood plasma 26±3, 78±6, 46±5 IU/mg; in homogenates: brain 83±2, 71±3, 86±3 IU/mg; pancreas 150±20, 220±25, 170±22 IU/mg; liver 59±5, 52±6, 81±7 IU/mg, respectively. Increased liver GLS in the STZ-GSM group indicated GABA support by GSM through an increase in GABA precursor glutamine. Conclusion: GSM improves glycemic status, GLS, and GAD activity in STZ-diabetic animals, confirming its applicability in the treatment of diabetes.

How to Cite
Khachatryan, Narine, Rima Balagyozyan, Valentina Balagyozyan, Gayane Hekimyan, Gohar Grigoryan, Sona Mardanyan, and Alvard Antonyan. 2024. “Antidiabetic Effect of a GABA-Supporting Mixture in a Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetes Model in Rats”. Romanian Journal of Diabetes Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases 31 (4), 371-78.