In the last decades (more visibly in the last 20 years), there has been a progressive increase in the prevalence and incidence of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) on a global scale, irrespective of the economic development of various regions (high, middle or low income countries), especially in developing countries. “It may yet be, along with obesity, the greatest chronic disease epidemic in the history of human existence”. It is well known that the patients who suffer from DM need more outpatient consultations, show a greater number of days of hospitalization, and the occurrence of the devastating chronic complications (micro, macrovascular) or comorbidity severely affects the health state of these relatively young patients, their work ability decreases, being often in need of a companion. The mortality of patients suffering from DM exhibits an increasing tendency and exceeded, in 2015, the figure of 5 million, compared to 1,5 million in 2012 and 1,1 million in 2005.