Shoulder disorders in patients with diabetes mellitus

  • Krithika Kamath Third Year Medical Student Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, India
  • Surendra Umesh Kamath Professor of Orthopaedics, KMC Mangalore, Manipal Academy of Higher Education , Manipal , India
Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, musculoskeletal disorders, frozen shoulder, rotator cuff tendinitis


Background and Aims: Shoulder disorders are common manifestations of musculoskeletal issues affecting patients with diabetes,but get relatively little attention. The aim of the study was to evaluate prevalence of shoulder disorders and its association with glycemic control, duration, and certain epidemiological factors in a section of population with type II diabetes. Material and Method: We conducted a prospective study including 32 consecutive patients with type II diabetes and 32 consecutive patients without diabetes attending the outpatient department for shoulder symptoms. Patients underwent physical examination and the proforma and UCLA-m (modified University of California at Los Angeles) Shoulder Rating Scale form were filled. Data was compiled on frequency and contingency tables. Central tendency was measured by mean and standard deviation. For determining the co-relation unpaired t test and chi-square test were used. Results: We observed that as the fasting blood glucose and HbA1c values decrease, the UCLA scores increase. Hence, proper glycemic control may help in reducing shoulder pain and complications. There was no relation between the UCLA score and diabetic duration or the age of the patient. Conclusions: We conclude frozen shoulder was the most common shoulder disorder in the diabetic group. It is more prevalent in diabetics when compared
to non-diabetics. Evaluation of upper limb manifestations in diabetics must include estimation of glycemic control and an examination for other diabetic complications.

How to Cite
Kamath, Krithika, and Surendra Kamath. 2021. “Shoulder Disorders in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus”. Romanian Journal of Diabetes Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases 28 (1), 5-10.