Prevalence of diabetes and diabetes complications in a south-eastern county from Romania
AbstractBackground and aims: The literature confirms that, due to the global increase in the incidence of obesity and sedentary lifestyle, there has been an increase in the number of cases of type 2 diabetes among children. Thus, this pathology has the potential to become a global health problem with devastating effects on health. Through the present clinical research we sought to determine the role that individual variables play in increasing the risk of complications.
Materials and methods: This retrospective, consecutive-case study, enrolled 2493 adult patients diagnosed with diabetes, attending scheduled visits in the Diabetes outpatient or hospitalized in the Diabetes Clinic between January 2017 and December 2019. Data was collected from the patient’s record and further analyzed using SPSS IBM Statistics V26 statistical package.
Results: The peak of incidence of diabetes complications was in the 60-65 years age-group, respectively polyneuropathy (63.6% for newly diagnosed patients vs 83.4% in patients with previously known diabetes) The most common comorbidities were HBP (61.7% % for newly diagnosed patients vs 64.3% in patients with previously known diabetes) and dyslipidemia (33.2 % for newly diagnosed patients vs 43.8% in patients with previously known diabetes). Complications were associated with poor glycemic control (serum blood glucose above 220 mg / dl, respectively HbA1C of more than 9.36% ± 2.2%).
Conclusions: In our study, there was in increased number of complications, the most frequent being the polyneuropathy. Also, even the newly diagnosed diabetes patients had multiple comorbidities associated.